Instant identification of visitors
Badgy is an independent and instant solution for printing access badges.
Badgy lets you create and print your own personalised plastic cards and badges which can double up as access badges, whatever your business sector. Members can present their badges to show they belong to a club or association, and access the relevant facilities.
By choosing a plastic card, you make your badges harder to forge. Make your premises more secure by easily identifying everyone who works there.
A complete solution to print on plastic cards
- A card printer
- White cards
- A color printing ribbon
- Card creation software
- Badge templates for download
A complete tool to identify visitors
The Badgy pack allows you to:
- Promote your brand: visitor badges are the first impression given of your company. A well-presented, original badge will enhance your company’s image
- Secure your premises: personalised visitor badges allow your staff to identify visitors in an instant
- Be efficient: visitor badges are ready in a matter of minutes, and can be handed to the person immediately